Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Countdown to my new puppy

So, after much research, (I have officially been to the end of the internet and back) I have decided to purchase a Newfoundland puppy.
Why? Well, first, they are incredible animals. They are sweet, GREAT family dogs, and love to be with their family.
Second, I LOVE a dog that I can wrap my arms around and HUG. I mean HUG. There is nothing more therapeutic.
Third, Water rescue. How amazing would it be to have a dog that has such deep natural instincts to rescue people in the water and to be able to be a part of that would be a lot of fun. I very much look forward to that!
And lastly, since I love working with my dogs, I also look forward to doing obedience, conformation, therapy dog work, and tracking.

After reading over practically every newf breeder website in Canada, USA, and some in Europe, looking at club sites and seeing which dogs, lines and kennels do the most with their dogs in terms of working titles, I attempted to contact my first breeder. I waited a few days after sending my email, but I heard nothing back. I tried sending a second courtesy email in case they didn't receive it, and again, nothing.
So, after waiting about a week I emailed another breeder who I'd saved in my list of favorites, and once again, nothing.

Now I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong.
I have credentials. I have been working with dogs (and working/training my own dogs) since I was 13 years old (I'm now 31). I have rescued hundreds of animals from dogs to squirrels, and rehabilitated and rehomed them to forever families (Yes, I did occasionally keep the ones I couldn't let go of), and I have worked as a veterinary technician for the last 15 years. I am anal about the health and welfare of my animals, so what was wrong here? Was I trying to break into some elite group of dog owners that only share these beautiful dogs between themselves? I conjured up a few more far fetched ideas as to why I couldn't have a newf without going to a backyard breeder (which I would never do) and decided one more time to email another breeder.
The breeder I contacted is very high up in the newf world in the US. Thier dog's are stunning, and they have produced numerous champions in many arenas. I really didn't know what to expect when I emailed, and to be honest, I felt a little intimidated. The day after I sent the email, I was very surprised to see a response in my inbox. The breeder thanked me for emailing her, and informed me that she didn't have any litters planned until late in the year, but that a friend of hers had a litter available, and would suit what I was looking for in a dog, because of the titles they work for with thier dogs.
I was very happy to finally be in the right direction! I checked out the breeder's website, and was VERY happy with what I saw. I phoned the number that the other breeder gave me, and got an answering machine, so I left a message. I was ecstatic when they called me back the next day.
I had a very pleasant, and somewhat long conversation with the breeder and by the end of the it, I knew I had found the right one. He asked me many questions and answered all of mine and I felt very good when the conversation was over. :):)

So.. the puppies are about 5 weeks old right now. And I will know in a week or 2 which one the will choose for me. I have no preference for the sex or for color. I just want good temperament and health. And I have no doubt that I will get that.

When he or she is ready to come home, I will be driving from Ontario, Canada to Connecticut, which will be about 8 hours one way, but I think it will be a great road trip for my husband and I. A day and a half away from our kids, and a chance to bond with our new member of the family.

I can't wait to meet you little one!!!!

Here are a few photos of the pups...

I just want to kiss them!!

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